No. 22 Cal Clutterbuck highlight video

Cal Clutterbuck had a 2008/2009 rookie season to remember, leading the league with a record-setting 356 hits, while still managing to chip in a little offense on the side. This is a collection of ALL his goals, a few of his fight highlights, and the best of his 356 hits.

The song is “Panic Attack” by Dream Theater.

Duration : 0:3:22

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25 Responses to No. 22 Cal Clutterbuck highlight video

  1. MWHchevy says:

    i love cal …
    i love cal clutterbuck.
    i love matt cullen too.

  2. naes22120589 says:

    @danmcn12 Are you …
    @danmcn12 Are you fuckig serious…as a rookie he broke the hits record for a season. Every year after that he led the league in hits even though he missed some games. Yea he might not be a HUGE hitter but he sure as can hit. Maybe you should actually watch him play before you start saying about him…dumbass

  3. Jayxbird521 says:

    @danmcn12 Theres …
    @danmcn12 Theres allot more to do then just score goals buddy he’s a grinder he brings it every night yeah he’s not gonna fill a stat sheet like datsuke or ovi but he’s a hard working blue collar player and i think there underrated so there you go

  4. danmcn12 says:

    6 career fights, 30 …
    6 career fights, 30 career goals, and maybe 3 or 4 legit huge hits, why is everyone in love with this guy?

  5. DerangedRanger1 says:

    Put this in your …
    Put this in your YouTube search and watch: ‘Don Cherry calls out Buttercup”

  6. karzonizki says:

    Cal’s showing what …
    Cal’s showing what the game of hockey is all about…2 bad we don’t players like that in Finland. Ruutu boys hit someone here and there, but not with that kind of enthusiasm. GO CAL keep on it!!

  7. 0Tyson0 says:


  8. IRPLischynski says:


  9. dlosher says:

    nice job CAL! cant …
    nice job CAL! cant wait to see you this summer in Ontario with ur parents and all the familly 😀 ( ur cousin )

  10. parkerum says:

    the Mft at voypics …
    the Mft at voypics said this was stolen

  11. xxShamrocklovExx says:

    haha i love how he …
    haha i love how he just checks em right into their own bench

  12. eribari says:

    Not a big guy, but …
    Not a big guy, but strong!! Just love watching him playing

  13. djcreep008 says:

    I love how he is …
    I love how he is not affraid to hit who ever gets in his way! And he’s a clean player for the most part!

  14. molleelynn says:

    we Wild fans are …
    we Wild fans are crazy about our Cal! can’t wait to see what he can do this year after watching him open up offensively at the end of last season…let’s hope Richards uses him well. Awesome vid!

  15. Wolfesota says:

    Great video, Cal is …
    Great video, Cal is the best, and it saves me from having to make another cal video. I made one but it was only pictures.

  16. johnnywad47 says:

    Timing is …
    Timing is everything. For him to have the year he had as a rookie,all of us can expect bigger and better things to come in the upcoming year. It’s nice to see a kid delivering “old time” hockey to keep the game “as it were” in these days when the game itself has evolved into a totally different scheme of things,than most of us older fans had known in the past.

  17. singleton71727 says:

    he is a hero to me. …
    he is a hero to me…. u rock

  18. massey1984 says:

    Clutterbuck rocks.. …
    Clutterbuck rocks…That music doesn’t do him any justice. Honey Bucket by the Melvins fits him.

    I wish the Hawks had him. They need a skilled guy that can nail people.

  19. xiTmoi says:

    Clutterbuck is the …
    Clutterbuck is the man! Great video. I would like to know what program have you used to capture that?

  20. lamplighter999 says:

    1: 06 i was at the …
    1: 06 i was at the game

  21. Closetninja says:

    Clutterbuck is so …
    Clutterbuck is so fun to watch!

  22. djcreep008 says:

    he doesn’t have a …
    he doesn’t have a big least he seems like it
    but watching him play is soo great
    every time he’s out their you better believe
    someone is gonna end up on their ass!!

  23. djcreep008 says:

    nope he’s staying …
    nope he’s staying with the wild!!
    hell yeah!!

  24. DickMcPenis says:

    Awesome I want him …
    Awesome I want him on my team

  25. clutterbuck22 says:

    awesome vid
    awesome vid

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